Tuesday, February 28, 2012

day 6: So much business going on

So i'm moving into a new place as of tomorrow. I also finally got a hair cut for the first time in 2 months. ahh it feels so good. I ran all over down town taking care of business today. I'm also in the works of doing tomorrows image. It's actually a project i'm working on. I'm so excited to show you guys.

While I was downtown I ran into a broken set of escalators and that's where I got todays image.

I had so many other ideas of what I wanted to do with this and this is what it ended up being. I originally wanted to do a squid coming out, or flowers or just something crawling out of it. Since the stock image for most of those things either cost money or wouldn't look right coming out of the stairs, I chose to do a waterfall. In my eyes, I imagine that it's a water powered escalator and that's what they look like under the steps.

Not too much manipulation went into this. Mostly I used a photo of a pool i took a couple of years ago and skewed it to fit the stairs. I painted parts of it to add more depth and I just erased the edges to make it flow.

Come back tomorrow for my fur resume. I'm not kidding

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 5 Dating and jobs

So I've come to the conclusion that finding a job is like dating. You don't want to get one that is lower than you are.If you do date one lower than your skill level, other losers will flock to you. You don't want one more high maintenance than you. You want one close to your house. More than anything you just want one you can be yourself with. But at the end of the day you just wanna get some.

That doesn't really have anything to do with todays image, it's just something on my mind. Todays image is a photo I took of my niece a year ago. I used to save all my pill bottles so I could make some epic art piece with them. I never did but they did make for this interesting conceptual image.

The only thing I did to the image was adjust it in curves and did an all black layer on top of it and erase the black to get a vignette effect. Just so you know nothing was in any of the bottles and yes she did figure out how to open some of them. Shows you how useful those caps are.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 4: Making it sellable

One thing that i've learned from starting this blog and forgot that happened, was how to get noticed. On deviant art I can keep a track of how many views I get on each image I post. I noticed how something that was already pre know (like lady gaga, mickey mouse, rainbows) tends to get a lot more views than something original. I understand why. It's much easier to find something that people already know of than something no one has ever heard of but it just means there's a lot of great original work that hasn't been found yet. Or may never be found.

personally, I don't feel totally comfortable making something just for views. I like to have a genuine-ness to my work. At the same time I'd like to have people see my work. I guess what i'm saying is i'm trying to find my niche. So that's today inspiration.

Todays image is a famous person. I want you guys to guess who. I'll give you some clues.

  • This person is on yahoo's top searches today
  • Is nominated for an Oscar 
  • and wears glasses
Best of luck guessing.

In the image I just played around with it for a bit. I used the spot healing brush tool a lot. I also used a halftone pattern filter over the image. I've been trying to use this filter for a while and it never worked until i found the foreshadow and background colors I had chosen were both black. Now I know better.

 I chose these colors after seeing the bollywood version of I know what you did last summer (called the Fog). And just so you know, that movie was uncomfortably long and not that good.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 3: Rainbow bright, Spring is here.

Hi everyone! Man it is so nice outside today in Denver. It's like 60 degrees. I'm sort of anxious to go and do something. Last night I was moving some stuff over to my new place and hanging out with my new roommate and he brought out the rainbow bright movie. I haven't seen the movie since I borrowed it from my friend Danielle in highschool but I really want to see it again. 

Whenever I think about spring, I think about this song from the beginning of the movie. I'm probably jumping the gun in saying it's spring when there could be a foot of snow tomorrow but I'm excited either way. And that is where I got my inspiration for today's image. 

I started out with an image I took back during occupy denver around september. I did some paths and made several layers and used the liner burn mode on my paint brush. I don't remember where I got this pain brush used for this but it's a simple "painting look" paint brush. It's not the best image i've ever done (shooting or photoshop) but I like how it turned out.  

btw my watermark is hidden in the image. See if you can find it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 2: I want you skull!

Hi humans. Back again for another day. So far i'm really liking doing this blog. Wake up in the morning, do some art and get on with my life. When I woke up this morning, I had no idea what I was going to do for the photo. So I was doing my typical check the mail/facebook routine and I found these portraits on juxtapoz. So it inspired me to find a skull image( I used this one) and see what I could make.

I used a photo I took of my friend sarah back 2 years ago and overlaid the skull image on top of it using Blending options and used color overlay. From there I erased her mouth and started painting the sides of her face black and played with curves to make it all blend together. 

I feel like it looks a little flat to me and the jaw line doesn't quite sell it like I'd like. But that's what you get for using stock images instead of shooting your own stuff. I actually do have some photo's from when I got to hold a human skull but I needed the angles of the skull and Sarah's face to match. Bla bla bla haha. 

Just so you guys know, everyday I do a blogpost I also upload the image onto my deviantart page, unless it's already up there. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day one: A hint of change happening.

Hello everyone reading this. This is my first day posting on blogger. I plan on doing a new image every day and write about it. Maybe even posting a video and a story in the process too.  

How did I get to this point of starting a blog? Well yesterday I learned that I didn't get a job at target, the staples I applied at wasn't hiring, and neither was a my local grocery store (yeah I was that desperate) 

After talking to my friend Meredith I came to the conclusion that I was going about this the wrong way. It became clear to me that I've never been the type to fill in bubbles on a test and sadly that's what america has turned into. They don't want your personality, they want one of the four choices presented for you. Well I say FUCK THAT! 

Everything we have in this world now wasn't made by people who fit in one of those four options, so why should I. But as much as I feel this way, it doesn't mean rent is going to get paid any faster. So since I have free time and talent, I might as well make the most of it. 

Today I want to post the background image I made for this blog. I basically just did a couple of colored layers of an image of glow in the dark stars stacked on top of each other and then used a stamp to erase through the layers.  I used this brush set I also did a gradient overlay of a rainbow over the image. oh and I adjusted it in curves.  

Well cheers to many more days on blogger.